Friday, December 18, 2015

Netflix support: From reset to meeting each other's parents

Just to prove further that Netflix customer service is great....this is a transcript of my convo with one of their support staff. Keep in mind that I have spoken to this particular support dude once before...Anyway, enjoy the read!

Netflix Trevor
Hello my name is Trevor and i'll be your Netflix expert today. Who am I speaking with ?
Netflix Trevor
Hey Marketa :) It's nice to talk to you again.
Netflix Trevor
What's going on ?
Well, Netflix on my smarttv is not at all recognizing my new account info
Netflix Trevor
Aaa gotcha, well you came to the right person for help ! one moment while I get your account pulled up.
Netflix Trevor
Alright, can you sign into other devices with the same log in info ?
yeah my computer seems fine
Netflix Trevor
Okay cool, so this means that there is some backed up data going through the Netflix app on the TV. But don't worry, let's go through some steps to get this working for ya Marketa :) Could I have you unplug the TV from the power outlet for 1 min. Then press the power button on the TV before plugging it back in. This will fully discharge the TV from any stuck electrical currents.
Netflix Trevor
Let me know if you can sign in after.
Netflix Trevor
Alright, no problem. Could I now have you press Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, Up, Up, Up, Up. on the TV's remote while on the sign in screen. Let me know if you get a different screen.
just a sec
Netflix Trevor
Take your time :)
so i still press sign-in on the home page right>
Netflix Trevor
No, you will need to press those buttons on the remote in that order and a second screen should pop up.
Netflix Trevor
It might take a couple times.
ah ok
Netflix Trevor
nothing's happening
Netflix Trevor
Alright, no problem. There is one more way to get you signed out of the app and get rid of that backed up data. We will need to reset the TV. Don't worry, this won't harm the TV at all either. Let me grab those steps really quick.
Netflix Trevor
Thank you for all of your patience Marketa. You having a good morning so far ?
well sure ! how come you're the only one working for Netflix?
Netflix Trevor
LOL It's just a luck of the draw I guess. I have only had a few people that I have talked to more than once :)
ok i thought the whole enterprise was run by you and your pet cat named Theodor
anyway - carry on
Netflix Trevor
LOL Theodor is pretty skilled, but not very friendly :)
Netflix Trevor
Thank you.
Netflix Trevor
Alright, here are the steps to reset the TV. Let me know if you have any questions on them.
Netflix Trevor
Press the Home button on your remote. Select Setup. Select TV Settings. Select General. Select Reinstall TV.
hmm i have no tv settings
i see picture, sound, features, installation, software
Netflix Trevor
Interesting... And you are out of the Netlfix app in the TV's main menu ?
Netflix Trevor
Okay one moment.
would restoring default settings do the trick?
Netflix Trevor
Yes that is what we're looking for :)
no man, this isn't happening at all. it wants a pin from me that i never actually set
oy vey
Netflix Trevor
Try 0000
Netflix Trevor
It's usually the default password.
ah winner!
Netflix Trevor
SWEETT !! haha
now everything is dark and the tv's off...
Netflix Trevor
Ya it will restart itself during the reset.
what have we done?? this tv was my only friend.
Netflix Trevor
LOL don't worry it will come back up :) If not, then let's go ahead and press the power button to bring it back up.
ok so it's been quiet for a while now...turn it on?
Netflix Trevor
Netflix Trevor
It should have you set it back up after it comes on.
despite how i come across i'm not actually 89 and usually grasp technology
Netflix Trevor
OH I know the feeling all to well Marketa :)
ok it's just looking for channels and such
Netflix Trevor
Okay no problem at all, I'm a pretty patient guy haha.
unlike theodor
do you get to watch netflix at work as part of training?
Netflix Trevor
Ya, he would be pretty rude lol No unfortunately not :/ But I love the job so I guess I am fine with not watching at work lol
oh well, i guess you and your coworkers can at least re-enact your favourite scenes for one another
Netflix Trevor
Ya we have a lot of fun at work haha We are laughing constantly and cracking jokes. it makes the day a lot better.
oh that's nice :) it sounds like a magical land
(ps. still looking for channels...)
Netflix Trevor
Ya kind of like stumbling into Narnia :) Oh gotcha, no worries. You were in the main smart TV's settings right ?
You resetting everything that my tv knew about me.
like language and where it's sittign and all that jazz
Netflix Trevor
Oh gotcha, if you want to set that back up, I would be more than happy to wait with you :) Is it still going through channels ?
yes it is...apparently i'm baller and have many channels
Netflix Trevor
Ya I was just thinking that !! You must be pretty popular haha What do you usually do for fun in Canada ? Isn't it pretty cold all year round ? I don't know much about it.
clearly! it's actually 12 degrees right now...Celsius that is.
not sure what that is in your made-up temperature degrees
i'm just heading off to a Xmas market actually to sell my pottery
Netflix Trevor
LOL I am not sure. Oh you make pottery ? It get's pretty cold here too during the winter.
where are you?
Netflix Trevor
I am in Utah, in the US. Great snowboarding powder though :)
see? you know what winter's all about. everyone's just imagining all of Canada to be a frozen tundra. But it ain't.
Netflix Trevor
I just looked at some pictures :) It looks beautiful ! What part are you in ?
it's pretty
Netflix Trevor
Looking at a couple pictures :)
Netflix Trevor
Are there a lot of castles there ?
yes i live in the biggest one
right beside our hunky new Prime Minister
Netflix Trevor
THATS AWESOME !!! Yes I am a little gulible haha I have always wanted to tour around in a well known castle.
Netflix Trevor
Oooh do you go borrow sugar from him every now and again ?
he doesn't eat sugar. he's naturally sweet ;)
Netflix Trevor
LOL I think someone has a crush ?
well have you SEEN him?
i mean no offense, but compare him to your Trump...and'll want to move here ;)
Netflix Trevor
Ya I just looked at a picture of him haha I don't swing that way, but he's not a bad looking guy. Ya I am not sure what's going on with that, but I might have to move over that way after all of this.
Netflix Trevor
How's that TV coming ? any progress haha ?
OMG I think it worked!! huzzah!
well, Trevor I feel like after this chat I just need to introduce you to my parents.
Netflix Trevor
Oh professor farnsworth lol LOL Name the time and place and i'm there :)
Netflix Trevor
So it let you sign in and everything ? The anticipation is killing me !
yes I did. I know I kept you on the edge of your seat...but it's over. We won.
Netflix Trevor
The war against the machines is over !!! Now to go out and celebrate lol I am so happy you can get back to watching some good ol shows :) Was there anything else I can help out with today Marketa ?
No sir. I am good. The only thing you can do to help yourself is visit Ottawa.
Netflix Trevor
Ya it's on my list now ! I actually just made a memo of it :) Maybe we will bump into eachother haha. Alright, well I really hope you have a great day and a great weekend ! Thank you for the convo, it's nice to talk to someone every once in a while haha. See ya Marketa. And one more thing, if you wouldn't mind, please stay online for a one question survey.